Arctic Guides is one of the first professional heliski operators in Swedish Lapland. We have been guiding heliskiing in the area stretching from Riksgränsen to Kebnekaise since 1986. With over 30 years of experience and highly trained staff we offer you heliskiing in the unique environment of northernmost Swedish Lapland.

With Arctic Guides you ski always with professional, local IFMGA mountain guides and professional heliski pilots. Our mountain guides have a solid experience of the area where we operate offering you the best choices for each day. We have a great respect for the area and mountains where we operate.

We are members of the Heliski Council of Northern Sweden, comply with Swedish Mountain Guide Association’s heliski policy and code of conduct and have a good co-operation with the local reindeer herders to prevent any disturbance for reindeers, other wildlife or other visitors on the mountains.


…a mountain area wider than

4 500 km2 with big open slopes, glaciers and couloirs.


Our heliski base in Björkliden, located 250 km above the arctic circle, is the perfect base for heliskiing in the Abisko Alps, Riksgränsen and Mårma mountains as well as in the Kebnekaise area. Our heliski season runs from March to mid May. Toward the end of the season the magical midnight sun allows skiing 24/7!

Björkliden offers you high standard accommodation from private, exclusive timber cabins to four-star hotel rooms and a historical ski lodge, all with direct connection with our heliport.

You can also choose to accommodate in the legendary Riksgränsen or the small village of Abisko, famous as one of world’s best northern lights destinations. Or why not stay more remote in Låktajåkko mountain station located 10km into the mountains. The choice is yours! We’ll be there to pick you up.

As our heliski guest you will always be equipped with an avalanche safety package including: ABS backpack, avalanche transceiver, shovel, probe, and harness for being used while we are skiing on glaciers. You will naturally also get a full safety introduction before we take off.

Book heliski!

Our heliski season in Swedish Lapland runs from March to mid May. You can book day trips or all-inclusive tailor made packages. Tell us what are you looking for and we’ll fix the rest!

If you have any question don’t hesitate to contact us. Our heliski team is happy to hear from you.
(00) 46 980 40120